I’ve tried a couple of things, and I’m not sure what I’ve got so far is the best way to do this. I have a series of 5 categories, which correspond to a set of 5 top-level directories. These 5 categories make up the top level navigation.
Within these 5 directories are all of the pages that should be listed in the sub-nav when one of the categories is selected. So the structure is:
— html
├── pages
├── 01.category
├── 01.page
└── docs.md
├── 02.page
└── docs.md
└── category.md
├── 02.category
├── 01.page
└── docs.md
├── 02.page
└── docs.md
└── category.md
I'm using the sidebar code from the rtfm theme, and on the top-level it works great:
{% macro loop(page, parent_loop) %}
{% if parent_loop|length > 0 %}
{% set data_level = parent_loop %}
{% else %}
{% set data_level = 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% for p in page.children.visible %}
{% set parent_page = p.activeChild ? ’ parent’ : ‘’ %}
{% set current_page = p.active ? ’ active’ : ‘’ %}
{% if p.children.count > 0 %}
{{ p.menu }}
{{ _self.loop(p, parent_loop+loop.index) }}
{% else %}
{{ p.menu }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}
{% macro version§ %}
{% set parent_page = p.activeChild ? ’ parent’ : ‘’ %}
{% set current_page = p.active ? ’ active’ : ‘’ %}
{% if p.activeChild or p.active %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{ p.menu }}
{% endmacro %}{% if theme_config.top_level_version %}
{% for slug, ver in pages.children %}
{{ _self.version(ver) }}
{{ _self.loop(ver, ‘’) }}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
{{ _self.loop(pages, '') }}
once you click on any of the pages the parent_loop gets refreshed, and the menu changes. I’d like it to be more or less static once it’s built after selecting one of the categories. And right now, I’m drawing a blank.
Here’s a screenshot as well. Top-level-category