Summary without content

How do I output the text before the separator (===) in the teaser of the blog?

In a Twig file, use {{ page.summary }}

It doesn’t work :frowning:

That’s odd… looking at it.

Seems you need to have more spaces around the divider:

This is summary


This is body

works fine. I’ll look into fixing this.

Ok, I know the issue… The problem is that if you put the === directly under the text, it becomes an H1 markdown header: and the divider is lost. That is why you need to have a newline above and below the === divider. This way markdown leaves it alone, and Grav is able to treat is as the divider.

Thanks for the help, but it doesn’t work D:

Oh, sorry. “The problem is that if you put the === directly under the text, it becomes an H1 markdown header” - it’s really work (worked once after clearing the cache). Thank you!