Simplesearch "tag" search query

Hello, I’ve installed and configured simpleaserch plugin, all works, I have a page for search, all works. But how I can search using tags?

On my product pages, I have at the end a list of tag used, I need when the people click on specific tag, will be opened a search page with a list of post with this tag…

Now I use this section in the product page, for tags, in twig template:

<div id="tags">
<div class="container grid-xl p-vr">
	<p class="text-gray text-right">Tags: 
	{% for tag in page.taxonomy.category %}
	    <a class="chip" href="search/tag:{{ tag }}">{{ tag }}</a>
	{% endfor %}
	{% for tag in page.taxonomy.tag %}
	    <a class="chip" href="search/tag:{{ tag }}">{{ tag }}</a>
	{% endfor %}
	{% for tag in page.taxonomy.brand %}
	    <a class="chip" href="search/tag:{{ tag }}">{{ tag }}</a>
	{% endfor %}
	{% for tag in page.taxonomy.model %}
	    <a class="chip" href="search/tag:{{ tag }}">{{ tag }}</a>
	{% endfor %}

But not works. Some suggestion?
