Hi people, for an project we build our documentation with grav and learn theme. Actually we have table in html and pictures resize.
After test, picture resize it’s good with a markodwn code in paragraph but don’t work in table.
Two questions, it’s possible to resize picture in table ?
One of the main benefits of using images associated with pages is that it enables you to >take advantage of Grav’s powerful media actions. For example, here is a line you would use to >load an image from another page:
Note that Markdown formatting syntax is not processed within block-level HTML tags. E.g., you can’t use Markdown-style *emphasis* inside an HTML block.
Unlike block-level HTML tags, Markdown syntax is processed within span-level tags.
This can be resolved using Markdown Extra which is available in Grav. Try the following:
Enable Markdown Extra in ‘/user/config/system.yaml’:
theme: mytheme
extra: true // Enable Markdown Extra
And in your markdown use:
<div markdown="1">
This is **bold** text inside div.
<td markdown="1">
This is **bold** text inside table cell.
Note: It will not work if you indent the elements inside the table.
Thank @pamtbaau, I didn’t specify, but the whole picture is in Markodwn. I just wanted to avoid pieces of html. I don’t know if that changes the answer?