Replacing Images

I used images as placeholders on my dev site:

I am now replacing images with the actual images but I seem to be having issues with them displaying. I understand this is a cache issue. These are the steps I have taken and the problem I am facing.

  1. I cannot seem to get terminal level access to my domain, to run bin/grav clear-cache
    I have a support ticket sent and this is more than likely user error
  2. Emptied images file and uploaded
  3. Emptied the cache files and uploaded

Now I seem to be getting a page that is continuously loading.

The cached images are stored in the images/ folder, so deleting the files/folders in there should do the trick. This is slow and cumbersome though. Take a look at the docs for siteground/arvixe/wirenine in the docs:

I’m sure your SSH access is similar to one of these. Having SSH access will make your life much easier!