Plugin Saving in Admin

Hello. I’m currently creating a plugin which calls for a new admin menu item, like the data-manager does. However, I can’t seem to wrap my head around how the admin plugin saves things like configuration. I intend to have a form similar to the page form in this new admin menu item, and I would like to know how I could get the admin plugin to save the data of that form, and, if it is possible, where the form data will be saved.

Configuration for files in user/config/ is handled internally in Admin. Same goes for plugin/theme configurations. However, if you want to handle saves for other files, then you need to build that logic into your plugin.

I’m actually working on some base classes that will make this process much simpler but they are not quite ready yet!

Oh! Alright. Thank you. I’ll use user/config/ as a workaround for the time being, then.