Plugin Comment | Some comments are not saved


I have a very mysterious bug with the “comment” plugin: some comments are not saved - about 1 of 10 comments are lost.

I use

  • Grav v1.7.25,
  • Quark v2.0.4 (slightly adapted - CSS and templates) as theme
  • Comments v1.2.8
  • Form v5.1.4
    on PHP 8.1.0.

In the template I have integrated the comments as follows:

 {% if config.plugins.comments.enabled%}
     {% include 'partials / comments.html.twig' with {'page': page}%}
 {% endif%}

The comment fields are also displayed correctly and 9 out of 10 comments are correctly saved and the email is also sent. Only about 1 in 10 comments simply go away (not saved and no mail).

I’ve already checked logs from Grav and Apache, but there is simply nothing to be seen.

Does anyone have similar experiences or a tip on how I can fix the problem.

Thank you for your support!

@Bastian, Did you have a look at the repo of plugin Comments.

@anon76427325, yes I did. But there is no bug, with these problem.

If nobody knows the problem, i will open an error ticket there…

Do you have a specific comment text that’s not being submitted? Maybe some weird symbol breaks the process :thinking:

Unfortunately, I do not know all of the comments that have been submitted …

There were no unusual signs in my tests.

They were structured as follows:

Test date // time // number
Test 30.12.21 // 19:52 // #01

Then some of them are missing.

I have opened a ticket for the problem: