How is it possible to make ![]( or mp3
In 1.6 Grav, only local server files are supported
Thanks in advance
@sherpadawan, Have you tried the HTML Video Element <video> inside markdown?
Thanks, it works. I did not noticed we could add html directly into the markdown editor.
It would eb nice to have this as a default behaviour in grav media link markdown syntax …
It is just a basic and must have feature for a CMS…
Where are managed links to media in grav ? Is it in the core or in a plugin ?
Have a good day
I did not noticed we could add html directly into the markdown editor.
From the ‘inventor’ of Markdown:
For any markup that is not covered by Markdown’s syntax, you simply use HTML itself. There’s no need to preface it or delimit it to indicate that you’re switching from Markdown to HTML; you just use the tags.
As alternatives to <video>, you could try plugins that will generate HTML using <iframe>.
Seek plugins and thou shall find…
None of them are making working wit h
html in markdown is quite hugly and less readable, less maintanable etc…
thanks anyway for the tip