Multi site support?

Does this CMS support multi site? In the same way as Wordpress with one installation?

What are the plans for this, are you going to create a GUI?

I’m looking for a new CMS, it seems pretty hard to find what I am looking for.

What I am looking for basically:

  • Markdown support
  • Version control with GIT support for the content, possibly use the content in its own Git repository decoupled from the CMS code itself.
  • Browser GUI
  • Multi site (one installation)
  • Static HTML generation output
  • Deployment of static files to Amazon S3/FTP etc. per site

What I seem to find is either half-static CMS with some kind of cache support. Not full static support. Flat file CMS with Markdown support but no GUI.

Maybe need to wait a few years still?

  • Markdown support YES
  • Version control with GIT support for the content, possibly use the content in its own Git repository decoupled from the CMS code itself. YES
  • Browser GUI NO [In Development]
  • Multi site (one installation) YES
  • Static HTML generation output NO (Grav is fast enough without this)
  • Deployment of static files to Amazon S3/FTP etc. per site YES (CDN Support)

Grav uses extensive caching for optimal performance. Basically you get the best of both worlds. Flexibility and dynamic content of traditional CMS platforms, but speed and performance usually only found in static generate sites.

Any documentation on this topic : Multi site (one installation) YES ?

The multisite bit is the one area that we don’t have documentation for yet. It’s implemented, and mostly functions fine, but could do with some more thorough testing before we make a big splash about it. So coming soon!