Missing the ability to edit in Admin

Spent the entire weekend trying to get a handle of this using x-corporation theme, I had to basically edit everything with a text editor which was tedious for the uninitiated and age challenged, then last night I see the theme contents could be edited via the admin plugin after finally finding the theme help page…WTF.

I dont see the ability to do any of that so Im obviously missing some very important files on build…what would they be?..probably spent 18 hours doing should have taken 3…ugh

Do you have the admin plugin installed or no? This is the download for the core with the admin interface.


Otherwise, you can install the admin interface with the following CLI command (run from the Grav install’s document root).

bin/gpm install admin

If you already have the admin interface installed, are the files theme specific or are you talking about files like site.yaml and pages?