Media functions only work on images that are associated with pages. Not just arbitrary images in an images/ directory under user. If you had them under user/pages/images then you could reach them and resize them with /images/mpr121_012sm.jpg?resize=300,200
Ideally you should put the images for a specific page, in the actual page folder. So if you are on page somwhere/else/page, then put the image in that same folder and just access/manipulate them with:
Not working for example default page in path
As stated in the earlier post, the image needs to be associated with a page for it to be treated as page media and therefore, have the media functions work correctly.
So your first 3 examples could work, while the last 2 (not inside user/pages) will not work:
for /user/pages/01.home/sample-image.jpg, if you were in on the home page you could just use 
for /user/pages/01.home/images/sample-image.jpg if you were on the home page again, you would have to put a path: 
For /user/pages/images/sample-image.jpg similar to above you need to reference the full path, but because it’s in user/page it will still work: