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I have a pretty snappy site, but the LCP on mobile is too long. It looks like the Hero image is the primary culprit. Is there any way to improve the load delay?


@unleashed, Are you using responsive images? This will allow the browser to choose different images depending on the size of the provided images and the dimensions of the device.

Not yet. I reviewed the Responsive images in the manual. Is it really as easy as adding the sizes with media queries in the markdown or twig?


Is it really as easy as adding the sizes with media queries in the markdown or twig?

Why this doubt? Have you experienced issues with responsive images before using Grav?

Depending on the command you use, Grav will generated several images, each with a different size. These images will then be listed in the <img> element.

Great! Thanks for the confirmation and encouragement! I’ll give it a try. It’s less about doubt in Grav and more about my trepidation of coding. I thought there would be more involved.


It’s always a good idea to experiment on a local development machine… :slight_smile:

After experimenting, please mark your post as ‘solved’.