Is it possible to obfuscate php output of date in blog

Shameless request to a coder for a quick solution for a non-coder.
I’m using unmodified Quark Open Publishing.

I’d like to keep the dates in my blog files… and I’d like the blog to continue to be presented in date order…

However I would like Grav to somehow obfuscate the date wherever it is rendered on the site. I could keep the year and month, but I don’t want users to know the day.

Is this even possible? Thanks to anyone who wants to chip in some ideas.
If I know how to ask the question, I could even post it on Fiverr as a small coding request.

Thank you fellow Grav users!

@joel-marks, I’ve had a quick look at Open Publishing and think the following will do what you are after:

  • Copy file ‘/user/themes/quark/templates/partials/blog/date.html.twig’ to ‘/user/themes/mytheme/templates/partials/blog/date.html.twig’.
  • Replace the contents with:
    <span class="blog-date">
        <time class="dt-published" datetime="{{|date("Y-m") }}">
            <i class="fa fa-calendar"></i> {{|date('Y-m') }}
  • The dates in the blog-item-list and each blog-item will now be: ‘Y-m’, or ‘2020-03’

Other date formats can be found at
To set a different date format, replace 'Y-m" on line 3 with any combination found at above link, or below:

  • 4-digit year: Y (2020)
  • 2-digit month: m (01 - 12)
  • Full textual month: F (January through December)
  • A short textual representation of a month: M ( Jan through Dec)


  • ‘January 2020’: ‘F Y’
  • ‘Jan 2020’: ‘M Y’
  • ‘2020/03’: ‘Y/m’

Hope this helps…

Thank you so much @pamtbaau that was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for the link as well, there is some great stuff there.