I need help with the Photographer theme frontpage

Hi there!
First, I love grav, it is great! But I need some help.
In the Photographer theme, on the frontpage [https://demo.getgrav.org/photographer-skeleton/] you can see 3 boxes:
Woman, men and children. I can not for the life of me figure out where to change the destination of the link for each section.
I am using the admin plugin so I am editing the pages from within said plugin.
When I go to edit the Categories page in Expert mode you see something like:
image: page1_img3.jpg
class: box3
title: Children
title_position: bottom

But the link to the page from -in this case box 3- is not visible in the page, there is no text with linkurl or url. So I do not know where to edit it. I have tried adding linkurl of url but that did not work.
Does anybody have a clue?
Thanks for taking the time to look into this. (edit: some silly word)

bump because I really need help?

You need to change https://github.com/getgrav/grav-theme-photographer/blob/develop/templates/modular/categories.html.twig .

https://github.com/getgrav/grav-theme-photographer/blob/develop/templates/modular/categories.html.twig#L8 needs to return your linkUrl param :wink:

You, kind internetperson, are a superhero!

I on the otherhand am confused,

There are 3 boxes that need links and in the location you linked to/specified there is only 1 link that is intended as a general link?

So I am feeling outnumbered! :sweat_smile: Am I wrong to think that if I fix this link I will get 3 different boxes all linking to the same place? I was hoping to find a way to create 3 seperate links for the 3 boxes.
if that is what would happen; is there a code example you would be willing to link me to so I can change whatever was needed to create 3 seperate links?

Super happy you have taken the time to reply to me…thank you!!

You have seen that this is inside a loop? Configure your categories like this.

  image: page1_img3.jpg
  class: box3
  title: Children
  title_position: bottom

and change the Line 8 in the template to

<a href="{{ category.linkUrl }}">

aaaaand please mark this topic as solved. :wink:

Thank you thank you thank you!!!

I have a server with ubuntu 20.04, php 7.3 and grav 1.6.25. Your solution doesn’t work with me.
I changed all the file categories.html.twig and I added this line from to . This is the file without formatt.