How to add automatic 'sizes' attribute for srcset

I am building an image module and want to give editors the possibility to choose a fullscreen or split layout. Adding a class for the styling is not the issue, but I am struggling to set the sizes attribute for srcset. I imagine it’s a relatively easy if-statement. So that the sizes is set to either 100vw or 50vw, depending on the selected class (or any other admin panel control).

Here’s my twig

<section class="image {{ page.header.imagelayout.class }}">
	{% for image in %}
		<div class="projectimage projectimage__half">
			{% set service_image = image.derivatives(750,2900,700).enableProgressive().sizes('100vw') %}
            data-src="{{ service_image.url(false) }}"
			data-srcset="{{ service_image.srcset(false) }}"
			sizes="{{ service_image.sizes(false)}}">
	{% endfor %}

Here’s a added class I was trying to use to “convert” to either 50vw or 100vw

  type: select
  label: Layout
  size: medium
  default: Side by Side
  help: 'Image layout next or below to each other'
    image__layout--half: Side by Side
    image__layout--full: Below each other

@luap, You could try the following:

<section class="image {{ page.header.imagelayout.class }}">
  {% for image in %}
    <div class="projectimage projectimage__half">
      {% set size = header.imagelayout.class == 'image__layout--half' ? '50vw' : '100vw' %}
      {% set service_image = image.derivatives(750,2900,700).enableProgressive().sizes(size) %}
        src="{{ service_image.url(false) }}"
        srcset="{{ service_image.srcset(false) }}"
        sizes="{{ service_image.sizes(false)}}">
  {% endfor %}

By the way, you could generate the <img> tag using:

{{ service_image.html() | raw }}

@pamtbaau thank you! This is working very nicely