Hi all, I am a newbie with Grav (and Twig) and have what is perhaps a daft question so apologies in advance.
I’ve been learning bit by bit and have a healthy enough starting point with this collection…
{% for p in page.collection.order(‘folder’,‘asc’) %}
###{{ p.title }}
{% set showcase_image = p.media.images|first.cropZoom(450,200) %}
[{{ showcase_image.html(p.title,p.title) }}]({{ p.url }})
[Find out more]({{ p.url }})
{% endfor %}
However, I want to add a class to p.url
I’ve tried a few things including appending this ?classes=button,big to {{p.url}} but nothing works.
Can someone please help me out/ point me in the right direction? Any help would be much appreciated