Form plugin: MIME type troubles when uploading files

Using the Form plugin, I’m having troubles with uploading files other than images.

When I modify a form page frontmatter using a text editor or the Admin panel like so:

      name: file_upload
      label: 'Add a file'
      type: file
      multiple: false
      destination: 'user/data/files'
      accept: [application/pdf, application/x-pdf, image/png, text/plain]

Grav reformats the list of MIME types like this:

      name: file_upload
      label: 'Add a file'
      type: file
      multiple: false
      destination: 'user/data/files'
         - application/pdf
         - application/x-pdf
         - image/png
         - text/plain 

This setting allows me to select only PDF files, PNG format images and text files. So far, so good.
However when I select a text file and submit the form, Grav complains: ‘File “sample.txt” is not an accepted MIME type.’

Examining the POST request with the Firefox Addon HttpFox I can see the MIME type is ‘Content-Type: text/plain’. Still the file is rejected. The same goes for PDF files but PNG files are allowed and saved in the page folder (BTW not in ‘user/data/files’ which exists and is writable).

I’ve tested the upload both on localhost (OSX, PHP Version 5.6.16) and on a shared host (Linux, PHP Version 5.6.15).
Any help is much appreciated.

Noticed and recreated the problem. I’ve pushed a fix, can you apply this and tell me if it works for you?

I’ve tested the fix and can confirm it fixes both issues, that is Grav accepts the MIME types specified and files are saved in the correct folder. Thanks @flaviocopes and @w00fz for this fix.

Ok thanks, will include the fix to the next release.