Existing one page website

I have an existing one page website based on a bootstrap framework.
I do nit have any php and I am a amateur webmaker (i don’t want to call myself a developper).

Is Grav easy enough (for me) to my simple site customable for the client. Mostly it is about having the opportunity to change text and pictures.


You say you don’t have PHP installed. Grav needs PHP to work.

Our Skeletons http://getgrav.org/downloads/skeletons make it super easy to start with pre-made websites.
Many people just grav one of those and add their content.

Then as you need more, you can learn more about it :slight_smile:

Ok, thank you for the replies. I will have a look at those skeletons, but it doesn’t help. My website is already up and running without a CMS. But it could need one.