Do I need cache?

If I’m using Cloudflare, should I use any caching in Grav?

I use cloudflare then HAProxy onto nginx reverse proxy with a tls cache to my site.
My new Grav site I am developing will go through the above then onto HAProxy through Varnish (cache) which then reads the cache from Grav, I am having no problems with my setup and by using Varnish I do not need to clear the cache on Grav as varnish automatically detects any changes I make. So caching behind cloudflare is fine to do.
I hope this helps answer your question.


Thanks for the info. Long story short, I used Cloudflare several years ago and any site change required a cache clear. It was too annoying, I disabled CF. I wanted to give them another try because my web host was slow. I’m not having the cache issues now that I had in the past. Seems whatever cache issues I had have been resolved.
