Default image attributes in the editor when image is inserted?

In all my posts I am using images with a set of actions. For example:


Is there a way to make it default in order to avoid copy/paste? It can be an implicit site wide default, or a set of options in the antimatter.
Or an option for the editor to insert the Markdown media tag with those items added.

Hmm, pretty sure it’s doable with Javascript. I did a similar thing in my Typography Helper plugin, but to be honest I don’t remember off the top of my head how exactly it might work. You’d have to piggyback onto the existing button functions… or maybe tack on some JS like “if this string gets inserted add this other string”.

Are you comfortable with Javascript?

Are these images inline together with the content or one image per post, like a “featured image” for each post?

If the latter, you can define them in frontmatter and add those attributes in the blog post Twig template.

They are inline images inserted into content.

Yes, I am comfortable with javascript, just don’t know where to change it so it survive upgrades. I am not familiar with Grav’s Javascript compile stages…

What I would like to change is what this + button does:

So it inserts my special image tag instead of default one.