Critical Error - An exception has been thronw during the rendering of a template


I get a critical error in my website.
The error can be found in the Grav dashboard > tools > logs

In general the error looks like this:

I do not know much about PHP, twig and so on…I will apreciate your help to figure out how to fix it:)

The page is here:

Should be .html.twig and not .map.twig I believe.

At least, I’ve never come across .map.twig before.

And then check that the file actually exists at that modular path on the server.

@pawelbary, Did you have a look at the docs on Content Types?

@zigojacko, There are multiple content types possible. E.g. : *.json.twig, *.ical.twig

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Oooh. That’s good to know, I was not aware of this. Thanks.