Create collection independent of query params in url

Hi again

Related to my post Link to post by author

If I now click on the author’s link, the minispost block, based on a collection of pages by taxonomy, changes the links to the posts and only shows those of the selected author.
I am using the Future Imperfect theme, and the code related to this behavior is as follows:


{% set miniposts = page.collection ({'items': {' @ taxonomy ': {' category ':' minipost '}},' order ': {' by ':' date ',' dir ':' desc '}}). remove (page) .slice (0,3)%}
{% if count (miniposts)> 0%}


<a href="{{ base_url }}/author{{ config.system.param_sep }}{{ author }}" itemprop="keywords" class="author"><span class="name" rel="author">{{ author }}</span><img src="{{[page.header.avatarImage].url|e}}" alt="{{ author }}" /></a>

You can see this behavior at the following address:

What should I modify to show them in the sidebar of miniposts, regardless of whether the link to the authors is clicked or not?

@pmoreno, By default, page.collection uses setting 'url_taxonomy_filters': true, which means the collection will be filtered by the query provided in the url.

When using url /blog/author:foo, the collection will be filtered on ‘foo’.

To prevent this automatic filtering, you can set 'url_taxonomy_filters': false.

{% for p in page.collection(
      'items': {'@taxonomy': {'category':'blog'}}, 
      'url_taxonomy_filters': false
).slice(0,3) %}

Or you can create a collection using:

{% for p in page.evaluate({'@taxonomy.category':'blog'}).slice(0,3) %}


Maybe I didn’t explain myself well in the last post. What I need is that the three posts highlighted in the left sidebar are always the same (identified with the taxonomy of ‘miniposts’). What happens is that when you click on the link of the author of any post, the highlighted miniposts on the left sidebar change and those corresponding to the author that has been clicked are displayed.

Can’t you have the two collections independently?

I leave the complete code of the blog_item.html.twig file and of minipost.html.twig.


<article class="box post post-excerpt"  itemprop="liveBlogUpdate" itemscope itemtype="">
         {% if %}
         {% set author = %}
         {% else %}
         {% set author =[0] %}
         {% endif %}
         {% if author %}
         {% set avatar = author|replace(' ', '-')|lower %}
         {% endif %}
    {% if site.share.facebook or site.share.twitter %}
    <script type="text/javascript">
    {% if site.share.twitter %}
    jQuery.getJSON('{{ page.url(true) }}/&callback=?', function (data) {
        jQuery('#so-url-shares{{ loop.index }}').text(data.count);
    {% endif %}
    {% if site.share.facebook %}
    jQuery.getJSON('{{ page.url(true) }}', function (data) {
        jQuery('#so-fburl-shares{{ loop.index }}').text(data.shares);
    {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
    <div class="title">
        {% if %}
            <h2 itemprop="headline">
                {% if page.header.continue_link is not sameas(false) %}
                    <a href="{{ page.url }}"></a>
                {% endif %}
                <a href="{{ }}">{{ page.title }}</a>
            {% else %}
            <h2 itemprop="headline"><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></h2>
        {% endif %}
        {% if page.header.description %}
        <p itemprop="alternativeHeadline">{{ page.header.description }}</p>
        {% endif %}
    <div class="meta">
        <time class="published" itemprop="datePublished" datetime="{{|date("Y-m-d")}}">{{|date("M j, Y")}}</time>
        {% if author %}
           <a href="{{ base_url }}/author{{ config.system.param_sep }}{{ author }}" itemprop="keywords" class="author"><span class="name" rel="author">{{ author }}</span><img src="{{[page.header.avatarImage].url|e}}" alt="{{ author }}" /></a>
        {% endif %}

        {% if big_header %}
            {{|first.cropResize(1038,437).html(page.title, page.title, 'image featured') }}
        {% else %}
            {{|first.cropZoom(1038,437).html(page.title, page.title, 'image featured') }}
        {% endif %}

    <div itemprop="articleBody">
    {% if page.header.continue_link is sameas(false) %}
        {{ page.content }}
        {% if not truncate %}
        {% set show_prev_next = true %}
        {% endif %}
    {% elseif truncate and page.summary != page.content %}
        {{ page.summary }}
    {% elseif truncate %}
        {{ page.content|truncate(550) }}
    {% else %}
        {{ page.content }}
        {% set show_prev_next = true %}
    {% endif %}


    <ul class="actions">
    {% if truncate and page.summary != page.content %}
        <li><a href="{{ page.url }}" class="button">Continue Reading</a></li>
    {% elseif truncate %}
        <li><a href="{{ page.url }}" class="button">Continue Reading</a></li>
    {% endif %}

    {% if show_prev_next %}
           {% if not page.isLast %}
                <li><a class="button" href="{{ page.prevSibling.url }}"><i class="fa fa-chevron-left"></i> Previous Post</a></li> 
            {% endif %}
           {% if not page.isFirst %}
                <li><a class="button" href="{{ page.nextSibling.url }}">Next Post <i class="fa fa-chevron-right"></i></a></li>         
            {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

    <ul class="stats">
            {% if page.taxonomy.tag %}
                {% for tag in page.taxonomy.tag %}
        <li><a href="{{ base_url }}/tag{{ config.system.param_sep }}{{ tag }}" itemprop="keywords">{{ tag }}</a></li>
                    {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}
        <li><a href="" data-url="{{ page.url(true) }}" data-text="{{ page.title }}" class="icon fa-heart">
            <span id="so-url-shares{{ loop.index }}"><i class="fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin"></i></span></a></li>
        <li><a href="{{ page.url(true) }}" class="icon fa-comment"><span id="so-fburl-shares{{ loop.index }}">0</span></a></li>


miniposts.html.twig (this is inserted in base.html.twig)

{% set miniposts = page.collection({'items':{'@taxonomy':{'category': 'minipost'}},'order': {'by': 'date', 'dir': 'desc'}}).remove(page).slice(0,3) %}
{% if count(miniposts) > 0 %}
    <header class="">
    {% for p in miniposts %}
    <article class="mini-post">
            <h3><a href="{{ p.url }}">{{ p.title }}</a></h3>
            <time class="published" datetime="2015-10-20">{{|date("M j, Y")}}</time>
            <a href="{{ p.url }}" class="author"><img src="{{[p.header.avatarImage].url|e}}" alt="" /></a>
        <a href="{{ p.url }}" class="image"><img src="{{[p.header.primaryImage].url|e}}" alt="" /></a>
    {% endfor %}
</section> <!-- End of featured Section -->
{% endif %}

@pmoreno, Have you tried my suggestions for your minipost collection?

If I considered your solution and I’ve managed the solution with

{% for p in page.evaluate({'@taxonomy.category':'minipost'}).slice(0,3) %}

Now I have managed to do what I needed, and that is that in the sidebar of miniposts, they remain fixed, regardless of whether you click on the links of the authors of the posts (which previously made that in the sidebar only the links appear of those authors).

Another code that I have tried is the following:

{% set miniposts = page.find('/blog').children.order('header.taxonomy.category|minipost','date','desc').slice(0, 3) %}

I have mixed a search on blog pages for a specific taxonomy.

Thanks for your help.