I would like to get a total count of instances of a specific taxonomy. Below is my current code.
{% set taxlist = taxonomylist.get() %} {% if taxlist %}
<div class="tags">
{% for tax,value in taxlist[taxonomy] %} {% set active = uri.param(taxonomy) == tax ? 'active' : '' %}
<li><a class="{{ active }}" href="{{ base_url_absolute }}/filter/{{ taxonomy }},{{ config.system.param_sep }},{{ tax }}">{{ tax|capitalize }} {{taxlist|count}}</a></li> {% endfor %}
</div> {% endif %}
I see that
{{ dump(taxonomylist)}}
Does output:
"tag" => array:6 [
"manager" => 3
"testing" => 1
"technical" => 1
"hardening standard" => 1
"data classification" => 1
"techical" => 1