I am just working on a new Site on which a collection should loop over several child pages.
My first approach to give those childs a custom order was to add the numeric prefix to the folder name - and it worked as expected.
But i noticed, that the ordered childs now appeared as a submenu (child-theme extending Quark) and decided to order the items as suggested at https://learn.getgrav.org/content/collections
my frontmatter now looks like:
title: Team
items: '@self.children'
by: default
dir: asc
- dafne-maria-fiedler
- deborah-klein
- sylke-hannasky
- theresa-hoerl
- maik-toedter
- christoph-bernhard
- kathrin-schlosser
- nora-jensen
- frank-asmis
but for some reason the ordering is just alphabetical (the pages do not have custom slugs - it is just the foldernam)
even the
children_display_order: collection
worked in the admin panel.
any hints on what i missed ?
Thank you in advance