Hi, I’ve used for many years the sharer plugin. Unfortunately, this plugin for social sharing is no longer maintained and I’m not comfortable keeping it on websites for security reasons. Is there anything like this plugin?
Does it share the page it is on?
like if you are on www.exam.com/test1 and press share button and press fb button it will share www.exam.com/test1 i guess ? if so that makes www.exam.com/test1 = url of that page which is can be taken via twig code. so that function can be added with html-css-js-twig codes i guess.
also i checked and saw sharer plugin uses GitHub - ellisonleao/sharer.js: 🔛 Create your own social share buttons. No jquery. sharer js. so you can also use it as this shows maybe. Sharer.js by ellisonleao
Take a look at the Mundana theme, in the partials/blog-item.html.twig load another partial/blog/share.html.twig, which includes the library https://www.addtoany.com/.
Maybe you can get something that helps you.
Thanks Gin and PMoreno! I used AddToAny code, adding it as it is in a Gantry 5 Custom HTML particle. To all Gantry 5 users: remember to tick twig and shortcode options otherwise nothing will be displayed