I want to protect every page so that every unregistered user can not view the pages, unless they login.
I know there is a private plugin, but I do not want to use this, I just want to use the login plugin for this.
So, I need to add the following ags to every page:
site.login: true
admin.login: true
But can this be added automatically every time I add a new page? Do I need to change something in the theme? I am using the learn2 theme.
Do you mean when a Page is added via the Admin Panel? With a custom Blueprint I think you should be able to set defaults for those values: https://learn.getgrav.org/forms/blueprints/example-page-blueprint
Hello Paul,
Yes, when I create a new page via the default template, I want to have added the following (in bold):
title: 'Title of my page’
site.login: true
admin.login: true
I presume I need to change the default.html.twig, but I do not know where to put exactly these fields:
{% embed 'partials/base.html.twig' with { github_link_position: false } %}
{% block sidebar %}
<nav id="sidebar">
<div id="header-wrapper">
<div id="header">
<a id="logo" href="{{ theme_config.home_url ?: base_url_absolute }}">{% include 'partials/logo.html.twig' %}</a><br>
{% include 'partials/search.html.twig' %}
{% include 'partials/sidebar.html.twig' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% include 'partials/page.html.twig' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block footer %}{% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
I’ve looked into this a bit more and while I was hoping a Blueprint change would do what you want it does not look like page access items are there by default. A custom Blueprint might still be an option, but I’ve not done anything re: access rights and Blueprints myself.
I found a solutions, but it is a tweak in Grav and probably will be undone when Grav is updated. Maybe there is a better way.
I edited the file /var/www/ictdocs.ap.be/system/blueprints/pages/default.yaml
and added, above line 210.
type: checkboxes
toggleable: true
config-default@: system.pages.access
site.login: true
admin.login: true
site.login: Site Login
admin.login: Admin Login
use: keys
Also I have edited the /var/www/ictdocs.ap.be/user/plugins/admin/languages/en.yaml
and added, above line 264:
ACCESS: “Restrict Access”
ACCESS_HELP: “Enables access restrictions controlled by the login plugin”
Then you see:
I only need to find a way to enable this option by default.
Looks like you are making progress @rvreugde! You should be able to define the default right in that Blueprint you are editing, at least I would think so.
More info here : https://learn.getgrav.org/forms/blueprints/fields-available#common-fields-attributes and sample blueprint setting default value here: https://learn.getgrav.org/forms/blueprints/example-page-blueprint#a-first-example
So maybe default: true
instead of config-default@: system.pages.access
to force it on by default?
Any news ? I would like to do the same for access.site data.