Shortcode Owl Carousel plugin broken after upgrade to Grav 1.7

Exactly the three dots are just for shortening.

Well, i want to show the carousel in a slightly different way…
As its called in a twig-file in modular > text_carousel.html.twig. Like you described in Need help to utilize the Owl Carousel shortcode plugin

{% set grid_size = theme_var('grid-size') %}
{% set carousel = "[owl-carousel items=1 margin=10 loop=true autoplay=true autoplayHoverPause=true]" %}
{% for image in %}
	{% set carousel = carousel~"<img src=\""~image.url~"\">" %}
{% endfor %}
{% set carousel = carousel~"[/owl-carousel]" %}

{{ carousel|shortcodes }}

i do not call the owl-carousel in the *.md file

its set with loop=true

Is this still compatible to 1.7 and its higher security?

I appreciate your efforts.