Posts aren't populating blog_template page using Chalk Theme

My site is a small tech blog using the Chalk theme. I’ve created an empty “project” page using the blog_listing template. My individual posts are using the post template and linked to the project page, but I don’t get the post listing on the project page. Within the admin it looks like this.

In the Chalk demo it looks like this for the post listings where as mine is empty. You can still view individual pages on my blog via URL like this /projects/tasmota-fcmila but there’s nothing on the project page itself. Do I need to populate the blog_listing template page or something?


It’s normal, a blueprint file / options is missing :grimacing:
To make it work, open “projects -> blog_listing” > mode expert and add in, frontmatter

title: projects
    items: '@self.children'
        by: date
        dir: desc
    limit: 10
    pagination: true

More option :

Thank you for the help. That’s exactly what I ended up doing. Lazy Badger on Discord helped me out last night and suggested the same thing. Thank you both.